Thursday 17 September 2009

Lighthouse Family - (I Wish I Knew How It Would Feel To Be) Free

Aspects of performance/mode of address.

There is a direct mode of a address (looking at the audience directly), the man on the train is clearly in the band as he looks into peoples lives, this separates him from everyone else. There are no dance routines or real performances in this music video, it is narrative based with some performance within the narrative with the singing along, this is to focus more on the narrative, rather than the performance.


The narrative of this music video is that people have problems on the train, then the problems are gone towards the end after he takes them all away. A non-linear narrative is used because of the use of flashbacks into peoples lives, this is to show the audience quickly the background to each of the characters. There is a clear beginning, middle and end to the music video. At the beginning there are normal people on a train who all have problems, in the middle, the man on the train is going through everyone's problems, and by the end of the music video he has taken care of everyone's problems.

How does the video create an image for the star/artist or band?

The Lighthouse Family have been made to look like that they will change your life for the better if you listen to them. They are shown as having a laid back approach with the tempo of the song. The Lighthouse Family are also shown to be normal people as they blend in with the rest of the characters.

How do the visual elements relate to the song? Amplification, illustration or disjuncture?

The visual elements relate to the song by amplify that he is saying talk about your problems because everyone has problems so that when they get off the train they feel a bit better because they have left their problems behind.


The lighting is getting brighter towards the end which shows that the people on the train are feeling better than they were at the beginning. The costumes that are being worn are dark and all look the same, this is so that the band can blend in with the other characters. The Setting is underground, it is on a train which everyone can relate because people use it everyday.

Use of camera

There are many different camera angles and movement in this music video, an extreme long shot is used at the beginning of the video to show the train, the setting. A close up is used to show the adience the facial expressions of the characters. There is Tracking through the train which moves on from person to person showing their lives along the way. There is a zoom used to zoom into peoples lives. A point of view shot is used where the man is cooking this makes the audience feel more involved. Panning shots are used to move from one problem to another.


Straight cuts are used mostly throughout the music video, however dissolves are used to show the audience that it is a flashback into the characters' lives. Match on action is used when the girl takes his hand down the train to keep contingency. The editing of the music video has a slow pace which goes with the tempo and timing of the song. Eyeline matches are used with people in the train which let the audience know what the man is looking at, the people with problems.


The people on the train are stereotypically working class or lower people, this is shown through the costume, hair and make up, this is so that the song can relate to a wider audience. The girl is blonde which shows that she is pretty, she also has pale skin which makes her stand out from the other characters. This music video may have a religious meaning, the man is cleansing their souls before they go up the stairs to heaven.

Special effects

There are only some special effects used, these are really simple and basic, there is a slight glow on the character's face to make it stand out more.


Contemporary Soul


The audience for this video is 25 - 40 year olds as the song was made in the 1990s and it is mellow and easy listening.


Typical channels this video would be played on are VH1, Smooth or Magic.

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