Thursday 22 October 2009

Cast Decisions

Main Character (Jimmy)
Jonathon Coleman – We have chosen this person for our main character for a number of reasons. Firstly, his style is matched closely to what we feel that Jimmy would have, so aesthetically, we thought he was right for the role. Also we no he has acting experience and he is reliable so we would be able to work with him.

Band Members – Petrabox
- Alex Draper
- Chris Biggin
- Ben Foster
- Sam Humphries
These are the members that are in the band, Petrabox, which we decided to use.

Marko Marafilias – This is the character we choose to be the father. He fits the role perfectly as his appearance matches his role.
Ste & Luke – We are going to use these two for the role of Jimmy’s Band Members. There appearance also makes them very suitable for the role.

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